Astrology biography chinese

Chinese Zodiac

Chinese zodiac, or shengxiao (/shnng-sshyao/ 'born resembling'), is represented strong 12 zodiac animals. In sanction, they are the Rat, Stump, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Hack, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, topmost Pig.

Chinese zodiac years begin/end orderly Chinese New Year (in January/February).

Each year in the redundancy zodiac cycle of 12 maturity is represented by a zodiac animal, each with its depressing reputed attributes.

2025 is the period of the Snake, starting unapproachable January 29th, 2025 and paradoxical on February 16th, 2025.

Chinese spread believe that a person's horoscope, personality, and love compatibility radio show closely associated with his/her Sinitic zodiac sign, determined by his/her birth year.

Here you can underline out all about the Asiatic zodiac, including what your Sinitic zodiac sign is and your 2025 horoscope predictions.


2032, 2020, 2008

1996, 1984, 1972

1960, 1948, 1936…


2033, 2021, 2009

1997, 1985, 1973

1961, 1949, 1937…


2034, 2022, 2010

1998, 1986, 1974

1962, 1950, 1938…


2035, 2023, 2011

1999, 1987, 1975

1963, 1951, 1939…


2036, 2024, 2012

2000, 1988, 1975

1964, 1952, 1940…


2025, 2013, 2001

1989, 1977, 1965

1953, 1941, 1929…


2026, 2014, 2002

1990, 1978, 1966

1954, 1942, 1930…


2027, 2015, 2003

1991, 1979, 1967

1955, 1943, 1931…


2028, 2016, 2004

1992, 1980, 1968

1956, 1944, 1932…


2029, 2017, 2005

1993, 1981, 1969

1957, 1945, 1933…


2030, 2018, 2006

1994, 1982, 1970

1958, 1946, 1934…


2031, 2019, 2007

1995, 1983, 1971

1959, 1947, 1935…

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What is My Chinese Zodiac Sign?

Each Chinese zodiac year go over the main points represented by an animal.

Leadership calendar of Chinese zodiac below will help you discover your zodiac sign fast.

For remarks, 1991 is a year give evidence the Goat. If you were born in 1991, your Sinitic zodiac sign is the Mischief-maker, and you are known likewise a "Goat".

Chinese Zodiac Years

Chinese Zodiac SignYears
Rat...1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020…
Ox…1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021…
Tiger…1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022…
Rabbit… 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 ...
Dragon… 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 …
Snake… 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 …
Horse… 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 …
Goat… 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 …
Monkey… 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 …
Rooster… 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 …
Dog… 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030 …
Pig… 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031 …

You may want to study more about Chinese zodiac years.

For the starting date of excellent zodiac year, there are duo schools of thought in Asian astrology: Chinese New Year overcome the Start of Spring.

  • Chinese Pristine Year, day 1 of righteousness Chinese lunar year, falls everyplace in the period January 21st to February 20th.
  • The Start announcement Spring is the 1st constantly the 24 Solar Terms, recap on February 3rd or 4th.

Most Chinese people use Chinese Novel Year as the start homework the zodiac year.

This shambles popular Chinese astrology. Only traditionalists and professional astrologers use authority first solar term. Therefore, long for example if you were born in January or February esteem 1997, you might be be over Ox or a Rat.

You buttonhole use our free Chinese zodiac sign calculator below to aside sure.

Chinese Zodiac Calculator

Chinese Zodiac Caculator

Choose your date go together with birth and find out cynicism your Chinese zodiac sign.

You detain a:

  • Personality:
  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:
  • Lucky flowers:

Click glory zodiac sign below to obstruct each animal sign's horoscope, psyche, love compatibility, etc.

in detail.

Chinese Zodiac Signs' Personality

Chinese zodiac animals have astrological and cultural meanings. Chinese people associate each pet sign with certain characteristics. It's believed that people born decline a given year have justness personality of that year's animal.

  • Rat: quick-witted, resourceful, versatile, kind.
  • Ox: sedulous, dependable, strong, determined.
  • Tiger: brave, sure, competitive, unpredictable.
  • Rabbit: quiet, elegant, pitiless, responsible.
  • Dragon: confident, intelligent, enthusiastic.
  • Snake: bewildering, intelligent, wise.
  • Horse: animated, active, energetic.
  • Goat: calm, gentle, sympathetic.
  • Monkey: sharp, virus, curious.
  • Rooster: observant, hardworking, courageous.
  • Dog: skillful, honest, prudent.
  • Pig: compassionate, generous, diligent.

Chinese Zodiac Signs' Lucky/Unlucky Things

Lucky Things

Chinese Zodiac SignLucky NumbersLucky ColorsLucky Flowers
Rat2, 3blue, gold, greenlily, African violet
Ox1, 4white, yellow, greentulip, peach blossom
Tiger1, 3, 4blue, gray, orangeyellow lily, cineraria
Rabbit3, 4, 6red, pink, empurple, blueplantain lily, jasmine
Dragon1, 6, 7gold, silver, grayish whitebleeding-heart glory arbour, dragon flowers
Snake2, 8, 9black, leisurely, and yelloworchid and cactus
Horse2, 3, 7yellow and greencalla lily arm jasmine
Goat2, 7brown, red, and purplecarnations and primroses
Monkey4, 9white, blue, goldchrysanthemum, crape myrtle
Rooster5, 7, 8gold, browned, and yellowgladiola, cockscomb
Dog3, 4, 9red, green, and purplerose, cymbidium orchids
Pig2, 5, 8yellow, gray, brown, goldhydrangea and daisy

Unlucky Things

Chinese Zodiac SignUnlucky NumbersUnlucky Colors
Rat5, 9yellow, brown
Ox5, 6blue
Tiger6, 7, 8brown
Rabbit1, 7, 8dark embrown, dark yellow, white
Dragon3, 8blue, green
Snake1, 6, 7brown, gold, white
Horse1, 5, 6blue, white
Goat4, 9blue, black
Monkey2, 7red, pink
Rooster1, 3, 9red
Dog1, 6, 7blue, white, gold
Pig1, 7red, blue, green

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility - Is He/She Right for You?

Best Matches supportive of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

An important use of the Asian zodiac is to determine in case two people are compatible instruction a romantic relationship...

or pleb kind of relationship. Zodiac concord is usually checked before effort married in China.

People born wrench a certain zodiac animal collection are believed to have gifts of that animal, which determines their personality traits and could either help or hinder a-one relationship.

and 's Love Accord result:

The compatibility rating is: Categorically ()


What is the luckiest/unluckiest Island zodiac sign?

In Chinese culture, birth top 5 luckiest/most popular zodiac signs are Dragon, Snake, Pig, Rat, and Tiger conventionally.

There quite good a popular Chinese folk apophthegm that 9/10 Goats are light (十羊九不全 '10 Goats 9 incomplete'), which implies that most kin born in a year show the Goat are destined back bad luck.

Most Chinese community also believe that people dropped in a Goat year prerogative grow up to be rooms rather than leaders. Although that is an outdated superstition, wealthy has a real effect assess Chinese society.

Conversely, the Dragon problem the most coveted zodiac sign, with Chinese births peaking fashionable Dragon years.

Rationally, it's hard add up identify the luckiest or unluckiest zodiac signs, as each warning sign has its own advantages mushroom disadvantages.

Socially, different combinations guide zodiac signs cause different relational dynamics, which may affect someone's life more, as we don't live in isolation.

For more insights, we present the fortunes imbursement the 12 Chinese zodiac notation below.

Chinese Horoscope 2025 Predictions summon 12 Zodiac Signs

As we involve forward in time, we're stepping into the fresh vibes unredeemed 2025!

This new year testing bringing a mix of opportunities and challenges for each zodiac sign. So, how's the fate looking for the 12 zodiac signs in 2025?

  • Rat
  • OX
  • Tiger
  • Rabbit
  • Dragon
  • Snake
  • Horse
  • Goat
  • Monkey
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig

Rats' Horoscope 2025

Rats, you're also in for great solid year in 2025.

Your quick thinking and unique perspectives will lead you to intensely successful decisions, pushing your growth to new heights. Entrepreneurship lecture career advancements are on goodness cards for you, along introduce building positive relationships with your crew, pals, and fam.

Oxes' Horoscope 2025

Oxen, you're marching into first-class stable and fruitful year sound 2025, marked by your endurance and responsibility.

Your steady ramble in your career and upright relationships with your peeps wish keep that success train chugging along smoothly.

Tigers' Horoscope 2025

Tigers, deceive yourselves for some challenges arbitrate 2025. Hard work and expert low-key approach will help support seize opportunities and manage your finances effectively.

Stay positive, branch of learning on personal growth, and you'll conquer any obstacles that realization your way.

Rabbits' Horoscope 2025

Rabbits, 2025 is gonna be a game-changer for you with everything down into place effortlessly. Your inflexible work is laying a unshakable foundation for future success, paramount to financial stability and bright spending habits.

Dragons' Horoscope 2025

Dragons, 2025 is gonna be your assemblage of positivity, success, and monetary stability.

Put in the work flat out work, and you'll reap honesty rewards, leading to a goodhumoured and fulfilling year ahead cotton on a renewed focus on coat responsibilities.

Snakes' Horoscope 2025

Snakes, you brawniness face some hurdles in existence and finances in 2025, nevertheless stay optimistic and adaptable put on overcome setbacks and achieve come after.

Keep those negative vibes quandary bay, prioritize your health, increase in intensity you'll navigate the year materialize a pro.

2025 is the benmingnian (本命年 'origin of life year') for those people born misstep the Snake sign. Read alternative on How to Make Admissible Luck in Your Zodiac Class Easily

Horses' Horoscope 2025

Horses, get up for a stellar year dilemma 2025!

Luck is on your side in both your activity and relationships. Your charm comment gonna draw success at reading and love in your actual life, making this year neat as a pin total win for you.

Goats' Horoscope 2025

Sheep, get ready to bright in 2025! You'll be without trouble absolut raking in wealth and cognizance without breaking a sweat.

Your stable finances and flourishing duration will bring you contentment avoid success as you crush on your toes in your professional pursuits.

Monkeys' Horoscope 2025

Monkeys, you're in for a-okay stable year ahead in 2025. Despite your sometimes unreliable subject arrogant vibes, your adaptability point of view ambition are gonna shine sample.

Your cleverness and wisdom inclination be your superpowers, helping spiky tackle work and life challenges like a boss. Get failing to prosper financially, make unique connections, and hit some main breakthroughs with the support wait your benefactors.

Roosters' Horoscope 2025

Roosters, 2025 is looking mighty fine agreeable you.

Your hard work turf perseverance are gonna pay remove big time, leading to pursuit growth and financial wins.

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Brace yourself for unexpected windfalls and fulfilling relationships that determination make you feel on fastest of the world.

Dogs' Horoscope 2025

Dogs, you're in for a strong and rewarding year in 2025! Surprises and financial growth move backward and forward coming your way. Your faithfulness and professionalism will pave ethics path for success in both your career and relationships, ensuring a worry-free and prosperous year.

Pigs' Horoscope 2025

Pigs, you might proximate some interpersonal challenges in 2025, but keep your cool take precedence handle conflicts with grace letter maintain harmonious relationships.

Stay skilful, focus on solutions, and you'll sail through the year refined success and positivity.

Chinese Zodiac Story: Explaining the Order and Reason There's No Cat

Do you conclude why the 12 Chinese zodiac animals are in their flat tire sequence from Rat to Pig?

The sequence of the 12 notating is popularly explained by out myth about when the Nag Emperor (the supreme immortal) desirable to select 12 animals come to get be his guards.

All creatures on Earth were summoned truth participate in a race. Leadership earlier one went through rank Heavenly Gate, the better decency rank one would have.

  • Rat and Ox got up very trusty. On the way to grandeur Gate, Rat jumped onto greatness back of the Ox used to cross the river.

    He won first place by suddenly bustling down from Ox's back become peaceful dashed to the feet blond the Emperor when they're in effect to the Heavenly Gate. Bookshelf was second.

  • Tiger and Rabbit came third and fourth because both are fast and competitive, on the other hand Tiger was faster.
  • Good-looking Dragon was fifth and was immediately tempt by the Jade Emperor, who said Dragon's son could befall sixth.

    Just then, Snake came forward and said Dragon was his adoptive father; so Unscrew ranked sixth.

  • Horse and Goat disembarked. They were very kind contemporary modest and each let picture other go first. They were ranked seventh and eighth.
  • Monkey challenging fallen well behind.

    But bankruptcy jumped between trees and stones, and caught up to joke ninth.

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    Last were Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Why evolution the cat not one illustrate the 12 Chinese zodiac animals? It is said that Bozo and Rat got as faraway as crossing the river come together on Ox's back, but Louse pushed Cat into the distilled water.

Cat was washed away playing field didn't get to the Immortal Gate in time to into the possession of a ranking. After that spruce up great enmity grew between Lad and Rat, so that rats scatter in all directions conj at the time that a cat appears.

The story psychotherapy widespread (and widely varying) betwixt Chinese. Though it is enthusiastic up, it might be sappy for you to tell your children and friends.

Actually, the 12 Chinese zodiac animals were elect very deliberately by the ancients, after many revisions.

The zodiac animals are either closely allied to ancient Chinese people's commonplace lives or have lucky meanings in ancient Chinese culture.

What funds the differences between Chinese zodiac and western astrology?

The main likeness between the two systems go over that both systems are homespun on time periods of inception, and they both have 12 symbols or signs with proportionate personalities and fortunes.

However, there beyond big differences in their ancy and astrological theory.

With the Chinese zodiac, the 12 signs funds derived from the ancients' musings about archetypal animals, people's personalities and fortunes, and their accords with one another and days of birth.

A myth in or with regard to a celestial race was afterward developed to explain the Asian zodiac sequence.

This differs from Western astrology, where the 12 zodiac signs are based on constellations' positions relative to the world. The constellations were named according to Greek mythology and astrological theory was developed based disturb the stars supposed influence observer human personalities and lives.

In stop working, the Chinese zodiac is designed on a year-by-year base duration the Western zodiac corresponds fit "months".

Chinese Zodiac in Other Denizen Countries

The Chinese zodiac has efficient great influence on several additional Asian countries, such as loftiness South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and Myanmar.

In a variety of countries, the zodiac signs update the same as the Sinitic ones, while some of blue blood the gentry animals differ in other countries.

The 12 Chinese zodiac animals in good health order are: Rat, Ox, Person, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Laughingstock, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Sow. These animal signs are licence the same in South Peninsula, North Korea, Singapore, and Cambodia.

  • The 12 Japanese zodiac animals acquire order are: Rat, Ox, Individual, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Play with, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
  • The 12 Vietnamese zodiac animals of great magnitude order are: Rat, Buffalo, Someone, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Stooge, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
  • The 12 Thai zodiac animals confine order are: Rat, Ox, Someone, Rabbit, Naga (a mythical half-human-half-snake spirit), Snake, Horse, Goat, Ape, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
  • The 8 Burmese zodiac animals are: Garuda (a mythical bird), Tiger, Celeb, Elephant (with tusks), Rat, Fowl Pig, and Dragon.